
Archive for the on desktop


Remove the built-in wordpress jquery

It often happens that certain functions are blocked by the built-in jquery javascript of wordpress. read more


Featured image alternatives on three levels

If you forget or can’t set a featured image, it won’t look very good on your website. read more


How to whitelist in ad blockers

Last update: 06.02.2023.

Here are the steps to add a whitelist on some popular ad blockers. read more


WordPress random image from directory

How to use a randomly selected image from a folder? If you use the code snippet below, the code will select an image from a random folder in the uploads folder. read more


Tic Tac Toe game – wordpress plugin

The tic tac toe game plugin is ready, which you can use as a widget or shortcode. read more


Memory Game widget and shortcode – wordpress plugin

Just turn on the add-on, go to the settings page, select the icons that start the game and the time you give to solve it. read more


Masonry Post grid – wordpress plugin

I created a plugin that if you enable it with shortcode you can embed entries by category in masonry grid format. read more


Childpages image grid – wordpress plugin

I created a wordpress plugin that displays the child pages in an image grid. You can specify the image with the featured image option. read more

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